Bariatric surgery can help you if you are obese and exercise and diet efforts are not enough to get you to your desired weight. The treatment involves a major procedure requiring adequate preparation and lifestyle changes. Therefore, it is crucial to consult your provider thoroughly and in advance to understand better. The McKinney bariatric, general & laparoscopic surgeon can explain to you all you need to understand about the procedure and help you get ready for your operation. A prior consultation comes with multiple benefits as outlined herein. have a look.
Information is critical before undergoing any form of surgery. Consulting your doctor for bariatric surgery helps you get all the information you need to make the right decision. The procedure is life-changing and might need adequate preparations going for months. Your doctor will provide crucial information about the procedure to help you decide if the treatment is right for you. Use this time to ask as many questions as possible to learn as much as possible about the procedure. Do the research and ask around to educate yourself better than those who might have undergone the procedure before you.
For Psychological Evaluation
Bariatric surgery is as emotionally and psychologically demanding as it is physically. Obesity can take a toll on one psychological wellness and you must ensure that you are ready for the change. Your doctor will give you psychological care to help ease your transition into a new life. Ensure you attend counseling sessions as requested by your doctor and be ready to adhere to your doctor’s guidelines. Remember that you might need to make some lifestyle changes and leave some foods and habits that are dear to you. Your commitment to psychological evaluation and training is crucial in ensuring your treatment is successful.
Get Preparation Instructions
Bariatric surgery requires special preparations as given by your doctor. Your treatment will be specifically tailored based on your unique needs. Therefore, pay attention to your doctor’s instructions, noting them down. Remember that the preparation period may take some time and it is crucial you commit to the instructions to improve the effectiveness of your procedure. You might need to start a nutrition plan and an exercise regime way before your surgery. ensure you raise all the concerns you might have about the regimes noting that the better the concerns are addressed, the better.
Take Pre Op Tests
Bariatric surgery involves an array of tests to affirm that the treatment will benefit you with limited risks. The tests also ensure that your body is ready for the major procedure. Initial consultation with your doctor helps plan for the tests and schedule them accordingly. Be ready for urinalysis, complete blood count, x-rays, glucose tolerance test, upper endoscopy, cardiology workout, and chemistry panel. Remember not to skip any tests as directed by your doctor.
Make Financial Planning
Initial bariatric surgery consultation helps you discuss the treatment cost with your doctor. Different providers will charge differently for the same procedure. Also, it creates a good time to discuss your insurance with your doctor. It is crucial also to talk to your insurance company to understand if they are going to compensate for the treatment or if they have any requirements for the same. Ensure you plan adequately for your finances before the due date for your operation.
Do you think you can gain from bariatric surgery? Find out by talking to the Michael Sutker specialists today. Make a call now or click the online tool to schedule a consultation appointment.